Our July 2022 Sorry Not Sorry show at Comedy Vault in Batavia show was a hilarious evening of unapologetic female comedians! We had some new fans to the show come out enjoy a night of Latina/x/e and diverse comedy at the Comedy Vault. We had an amazing night!
Each month, we’ll continue to celebrate our favorite female identifying comedians from across Chicagoland. A special shoutout to our comedians, the staff and management at the Comedy Vault, and all of our loca fans who keep coming out to show their support.
Keep supporting diverse voices in comedy!
Tickets on sale now for our August show on SUNDAY, August 21st, 2022!
Follow our July Sorry Not Sorry LOCAS on Instagram:

Janice V Rodriguez
Janice V. Rodriguez, (first name #rhymeswithDenise) is a Chicago based entrepreneur, comedian, founder and producer of Las Locas Comedy, a comedy showcase that features Latina/Latinx comedic talent and our favorite locas of any background. For a full bio, check out: janicevrodriguez.com